Here's everything you need to know to have a fun & successful hunt at Tyler Sims Outfitting.
Physical Ability

Before you head out to Wyoming for your hunt, it is important to shape up your muscles for some walking.
Antelope hunts are less strenuous and can be aided by walking more. Mule Deer and Elk hunts are more strenuous so it is important to practice climbing up and down hills. If you do not have hills to climb at home then take the stairs to work. Little things like this will matter when it comes down to stalk time for your trophy.
Shooting Practice
Practicing the shot is one of the most important factors in your hunt. Perfect practice makes perfect shots. If you are rifle hunting take the time to shoot prone, standing and sitting. You can use a .22 rim fire to practice these positions to keep the shoulder pain and cost down. Before you arrive in camp please have your rifle sighted in. Practice shooting from 100-300 yards. Learn and understand your rifle and how much it drops at these distances. Tyler Sims Outfitting prefer long action bolt action rifles with bi-pods.
Remember to bring a rifle that you are comfortable shooting with. If you are comfortable with a 270 for elk bring it. The minimum for Wyoming is a .23 caliber rifle.

Directions to Camp
Directions to headquarters from Denver:
- Take I-25 North to Cheyenne and turn west on I-80.
- Go to exit 272 also known as Arlington, Wyoming turn left on hwy 13 and go under the interstate.
- You will come to two cattle guards one in from of you and one to your right.
- Take the right and you will be on county Road 402 that is going parallel to I-80.
- Take the Next left. When make this turn you will see our headquarters about a half mile away.
Hunting Camp Gear Checklist
- Licenses
- Hunter safety certificates (Mandatory if born after Jan 1, 1966)
- Stocking cap
- Blue jeans, canvas or wool pants
- Wool or flannel shirt
- Sweaters
- Underwear, Socks
- Leather boots
- Cold weather boots
- Camouflage clothing (open country, mossy oak brush, etc.)
- Camp shoes
- Hat with brim
- Cool weather coat
- Leather gloves, cold weather gloves
- Fluorescent Orange Hat or Vest
- Rain wear
- Cold weather coat
- Lightweight day pack
- Cartridge holder
- Flashlight
- Binoculars
- Cooler (meat storage for ride home)
- Hunting knife
- Firearm or Bow
- Ammunition or Arrows
- Soft gun case
- Fishing Pole and accessories for fishing trout
- Toothbrush, soap, shampoo
- Any Required Medications
- Chap stick, sunscreen
- Camera, film, batteries
- Sunglasses
- Shaving Gear
Taxidermy & Meat Processing
After you scored your trophy we will take it to the local meat processor. The prices range $90 and up depending on the animal and the cuts.
We will cape your trophy and freeze it for your trip home.
We have local taxidermist around and there prices are $500 and up for shoulder mounts.
Shipping and handling of meat and trophies is the responsibility of the hunter. Our responsibility is to haul game to the nearest local locker plant.
We will provide assistance, but cannot be held responsible for additional costs such as transportation, shipping expenses, and additional labor.
The processing of meat, that you are not taking home, must be paid for in advance before it can be donated. Hunters have the options of boning out there animals to take home for later meat processing.

Wyoming Hunting Deadlines & Fees
Wyoming Hunting Licenses | Deadline | Fee |
Elk Application | January 31 | $759 |
Special Elk Fee | January 31 | $1,335 |
Cow Elk | January 31 | $303 |
Deer Application | May 31 | $430 |
Special Deer | May 31 | $718 |
Antelope Application | May 31 | $372 |
Special Antelope Fee | May 31 | $660 |
Additional Doe Antelope | May 31 | $49 |
WY Conservation Stamp | - | $12.50 |
WY Archery License | - | $72 |
Wyoming Preference Points | Deadline | Fee |
Elk Preference Point | July 1 to Oct 31 | $52 |
Deer Preference Point | July 1 to Oct 31 | $41 |
Antelope Preference Point | July 1 to Oct 31 | $31 |